"Open your eyes to what I am saying…We will not hide these truths from our children… we will tell the next generation… so the next generation might know." Psalm 78:2-6
About Engage Kids
The heart of Engage Kids is to ignite passion and equip churches to reach the children and families in their communities with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We desire to Engage new church plants, urban, rural and smaller churches to assist with their ministry needs. We are available for training, coaching, mentoring and consulting. We also will help with big events, community outreaches, children’s church services or family services.
Why Engage Kids?
We are called! We love children! Children are an important and valuable part of God’s kingdom.
So they will KNOW! Studies tell us the 70% of Americans say they are Christians but on a given Sunday only 1/3 of Americans will show up in our churches. In this post Christian society, knowledge of technology will be greater than the knowledge of Biblical truths. It is predicted that the Generation Alpha, children of the millennials born since 2010, will reach 35 million. There are 22 million millennial parents, and according to Facts & Trends, a third of millennials are “nones”. They claim no religious identity. Many Gen Z’s and Alpha’s are growing up in these homes.