About Engage Kids
Our purpose is to raise up leaders and see them fervently engaged in reaching His kids. Engage Kids Ministries brings decades of experience serving the local church, and desire to take that experience and all they have learned about leadership and children’s ministry and share with those committed to making Him known to our precious children. It is our desire to see churches, pastors and leaders stretched to their full potential of ministry fully engaging kids for Jesus.
The heart of Engage Kids is to ignite passion and equip churches to reach the children and families in their communities with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We desire to Engage new church plants, urban, rural and smaller churches to assist with their ministry needs. We are available for training, coaching, mentoring and consulting. We also will help with big events, community outreaches, children’s church services or family services.

Who We Are & Our Journey
Aldin Tinsley and his wife, Debbie have been involved in ministry 40 years with most of this time serving in children’s ministry. They have served as Children’s Pastors in churches across the country and served as National JBQ Coordinator and Children’s Ministry Trainer in the national office of the Assemblies of God. Aldin and Debbie have ministered in camps, conferences, crusades and seminars throughout the USA and in other countries.
They believe in the power of the local church. The local church made a profound difference in their lives as children. Each church where they served was a great learning experience for them and has been the stepping stones which lead them to this place in their ministry. Their hearts are to take that experience and share with churches, pastors (both lead and children), and ministry leaders. It is their desire to see leaders stretched to their full potential of ministry engaging children for Jesus.
“The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: “Don’t push these children away. Don’t ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom.”
They have received appointment from the Assemblies of God to be U.S. Missionary Associates. In this new faith walk journey, they are beginning a ministry ~ “Engage Kids”. Their hearts are children. They are passionate about reaching our current and future (Gen Z and Generation Alpha) generations. Our children need truth, hope, love. They need Jesus. How will they know if we do not tell them – if we do not show them? Their passion is to take their experiences and their calling from God to His kids, and partner with new church plants and churches that need encouragement and help with their children’s ministry. They want to diligently work with churches to help “bring them in.”
God has spoken to their hearts to ENGAGE CHURCHES TO ENGAGE KIDS. The mission field is vast. We must pass it on…