From Our Hearts | November 2024
From Our Hearts
Happy November! I know many of you are enjoying nice fall weather, as those of us in Florida are just now feeling the hint of a new season. Hopefully, summer has passed, and fall is truly here. I am happy to get a reprieve from the 90-degree temperatures and looking forward to the holidays.
Debbie and I are finally slowing down from our “summer schedule”. We were so blessed to be a part of many great ministry outreaches this summer. We were the speakers for three Vacation Bible School ministries, participated in a day camp, park outreach, community outreaches to children in the underserved community of Wimauma, and children’s ministry trainings. What joy it was to see the churches where we ministered so focused on the children in their communities, and to see many unchurched children in attendance responding to the gospel message!
Another major highlight of this year for us was the opportunity to see “our fruit – producing fruit”! Over and over this year we were ministering alongside teens and young adults that grew up in our children’s ministry. We would hear the same comments from many of them stating the impact our ministry had on their life, and many of them are still involved in ministry to children. Our hearts soared and our eyes were filled with tears as we rejoiced at the number of kids that are not part of the statistics that we are hearing daily. They HAVE NOT left the church but are engaged in serving. One of the vacation Bible schools where we were invited to minister was at Stone Church in Orland Park, IL where we served as children’s pastors for 10 years and one of our kids is now serving as the children’s Pastor! We were so blessed to see the number of “our kids” actively serving in ministry. They were willing to do whatever they were asked. We were just so touched to know they are continuing to serve Jesus and His church!
The statistics for the Gen Z and Alpha generations can be disheartening. We hear it so often, and unfortunately, we see it in many of the churches where we minister. That is why we are so passionate about what we do. Go and Make Disciples also applies to winning the next generation so that in every generation, there is a remnant that declares the work of the Lord. We must be intentional to reach all generations. So often, the younger generations are the missing age gap in church. 96% of Generation Z is missing a biblical worldview. Generation Alpha is labeled as pre-Christian, meaning most members will have no connection to the church. If this continues, that means only about 20% of these children will call themselves Christians as adults.
What is the faith of the next generation worth to the church? Children and youth ministries need to be front and center – highly visible. It is costly. It is a sacrifice of time, energy and finances. God is calling His church to rise in faith, anchored in the knowledge that He is not absent in the challenges but actively at work amid them. There is a divine purpose for them, and as believers, we play a pivotal role in ushering in a move of God with the life transforming love of Christ.
There is hope! God is calling those of us who are called by His name to rise up and embrace this generation and their families. Statistics tell us that only one third of young adults believe they know a caring adult who believes in them. They are searching for a real connection. So, who is shaping the beliefs of the next generation?
Both Gen Z and especially Alphas are being influenced by technology and the gaming industry. They are being raised on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. Children and young adults today deal with anxiety more than any other generation. Why? They are fully immersed in online societal influence. What can we do? We must give them something that Google cannot! We want to remain vigilant and discerning. They need to connect with those that focus on experiencing God more than learning facts. They need a relationship with someone to come alongside them that believes in them and their worth. They need to know they are loved. Our kids’ church needs to be fun and a place where they want to be. Our ministry needs to be focused on encouraging and expecting children to have encounters with the living God. We must move beyond education to impartation. Our children need transformation, and it will happen as we make room for the Holy Spirit to truly minister to, and touch, young hearts in a way that captures their attention and prepares them for a life that will be lived to the full!
For Debbie and me, the faith of the next generation is worth everything! It is worth giving our lives to – worth living for! The future depends on it. Our hearts are heavy for the next generation, yet we know that Hope shines bright as together we partner with parents, families and the church to reach the children.
We continue to train, coach, mentor and support churches in any way we can to help them see the children in their neighborhoods coming to Jesus. We also continue to partner with Wholesome Community Church in Wimauma, Fl as their mission is to reach the underserved areas of that community. This area is flooded with hurting children and families. It is a mission field!! The needs are overwhelming and there are challenges that we continue to encounter, but we forge ahead!
This verse is becoming more and more relevant to us. 😊
“Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.” Ps. 145:4
Much love,
Aldin and Debbie
**We are currently scheduling for 2025. We are available to do outreach ministry; trainings; pulpit ministry; VBS, camps, children’s church & other services. Please reach out if we can assist you.
***Please follow our Engage Kids Facebook page and/or Instagram to stay in touch with our ministry. The links are at the bottom of this newsletter.